Privacy & Cookie Policy
BUH Solicitors is committed to respecting the privacy of all visitors to its website. This includes our clients, potential clients and any third parties associated with the business. This privacy and cookie policy explain how we protect and use and the information that you provide to us or that we retain about you. This policy will assist you in understanding your rights about the information we hold. This policy applies to information about living identifiable individuals only.

Information gathered from our website
You may choose to provide personal information to us when you register on our website. You may do this by completing the details provided on ‘Contact Us’ link that is on the website. The information we ask you provide about yourself is your name, email address, mobile telephone number and any details you provide in the narrative box.

Information gathered automatically
We may also collect information automatically about your access and usage of our website using cookies and other analytical technology. Full details of our data collection methods are included in the ‘Cookie’ section below.  We will use your IP address, which is a numeric code that identifies a computer on the internet, to collect internet traffic data and information on your browser type and computer.  If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may reject them by amending your browser settings, unless they are required for the delivery of our website or services to visitors.

Information gathered from third parties
Additionally, we may obtain information about you from legitimate third parties, including existing clients, Courts and other Government institutions (the Home Office, Police Station etc) and other relevant entities that are known to you or related to your enquiry or requirements.

How does BUH Solicitors use your information?
We will use your information for the specific purpose(s) for which it has been provided or collected by us, including:

  • To provide information that you may request regarding the services we offer, including whether we can assist with the provision of legal advice, assistance or representation.
  • To contact you to introduce our legal services to you
  • To respond to a specific query, you have raised through our websites ‘contact us’ option.
  • To comply with our statutory and regulatory obligations
  • To deal with any feedback, queries or complaints that you may have

We may also use the information that we collect about you for marketing and business development purposes, including:

  • To provide information about BUH Solicitors and the services we provide, which may be of interest to you, by sending you specific information or periodic newsletters
  • To provide you with updates on relevant areas of our service
  • To contact you about other activities and events that we may undertake

Information gathered by cookies and similar analytical technologies are used to measure and analyse information on visits to our website, to update the website to improve the visitor experience and to improve technical performance. We will not use the data to identify you personally or to make any decisions about you.

Furthermore, we may use your information to administer, support and improve our business generally and to enforce our legal rights.

Legitimate grounds for processing your information
We must have a lawful basis for processing your information.  This will vary depending on the circumstances for obtaining your information, but will typically include:

  • The activities are within our legitimate interests as a Solicitors practice seeking to engage with and provide services to prospective and current clients
  • You have given consent for us to process your information in relation to our marketing activities
  • We are completing necessary steps in relation to you entering into a contract with BUH Solicitors, because you wish to engage us to provide legal services to you
  • The processing is necessary for compliance with legal obligations that we are subject to.

If you become a client of BUH Solicitors, we may use your personal information to send you information that we think may be of interest to you or your business. This falls within our legitimate interests as a Solicitors practice to use your information for marketing purposes.